Amber Rose

  • WTF Amber Alert Special

    Hallo Readers, Here is the bad news.  Albert Thompson has prostate cancer. Here is the good news. The NHS has now given him a date in May when he will start radiotherapy. Here is more bad news.  Thompson, who has… Continue reading

  • WTF Role Model Special

    Hallo Readers, This week brings you another story of young men and women behaving badly. You may recall that a few weeks ago, six oiks on a stag party were forcibly removed from a Ryanair flight which had been diverted to Berlin.… Continue reading

  • WTF The End of Shame Special

    Hallo Readers, This week is about the End of Shame. We will get to the sartorial shitpile shortly but first there is moral shame. WTF is all for rehabilitation but that involves those concerned recognising that their conduct was wrong. Over the… Continue reading

  • WTF Topsy-Turvy Special

    Hallo Readers,  This has been the most bizarre election WTF can remember. Here are some reflections on the show so far. It seems a good bet that nobody is actually going to win an outright majority but neither Cameron nor Miliband will accept this,… Continue reading

  • WTF Christmas Turkey 2014 Poll Special

    Hallo Readers and Happy New Year! Here it is! The WTF Christmas Turkey 2014 Poll featuring the worst of the last 6 months since you voted in June for the WTF Summer Stinker 2014. Here are 21 examples of sartorial shockingness and your… Continue reading

  • WTF Ice Challenge Special

    Hallo Readers, This week was a Big Awards week, what with the Emmys and the MTV Video Music Awards and we have a lot to get through but first WTF must vent about the Ice Bucket Challenge, thus neatly combining the rant and It’s… Continue reading