Di Mondo

  • WTF Parade Special

    Hallo Readers, Think about a military parade. Think Kim Jong Un, fatly presiding over endless rows of anti-aircraft guns and goose-stepping soldiers, their kicks higher than the chorus line of the Folies Bergère. Think Mussolini and Hitler, shouting their heads off… Continue reading


    Hallo Readers, It is that time of the year when you, dear Readers, get to choose which one of the following fashion atrocities will have the dubious honour of being accorded the title of the Summer Stinker 2014. You can… Continue reading

  • WTF Back of the Net Special

    Hallo Readers  Last week’s It’s Got To Go called for the World Cup 2022 to be taken away from Qatar on the grounds that (i) 500 migrant workers have died building the stadiums (ii) it is corrupt (iii) it is hot and (iv)… Continue reading